Always be kind

Mrs. Hughes: I have a long history with Mayde Creek High School.  All three of my girls went here. Class of 1999, class of 2001 and class of 2004. And before I started working here, I volunteered here for a lot of years. I love it here and love these ladies (Ms. Blanchard and Ms. Pierce) that I work with.  It makes a huge difference in your work when it is a fun environment and you are able to help each other and make it through each day. I look forward every day to just being here and interacting with the kids.
I’ve had several different roles here over the years. I started here in attendance, then I went to be a secretary. I was secretary for several principals and I loved that. Then I became a registrar, but I really love the attendance office, and that’s where I am now. The beauty of it is getting to work with the people you like and it is a team effort, so you are never by yourself, and you have the interaction with the kids. So it is the best of both worlds. I really do love it here. One thing I always try to tell the kiddos is to always be kind. Always treat others like you would want to be treated. We never know what the other person’s day is.  Kindness goes a long way. And first impressions are everything. you can never take back a first impression. Think about what you say and think before you speak.

Stories from the Attendance Office

Ms. Blanchard: I’m having a great year. I just turned 60 in December, and my daughters who both graduated from Mayde Creek, gifted me with a surprise to take me to Paris because I’ve always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. So, this summer, June 9th, I’m getting on a plane with my two daughters and we are going to Paris! Turning 60 is pretty awesome! Jackie, my daughter who graduated in 2006, ran cross country. My youngest daughter, Tori, graduated in 2010 and she was a cheerleader here. So I’m having a great year!  Oh, and on my 60th birthday, I went to new York!
Ms. Pierce: I have been here, at Mayde Creek for quite a few years. I’ve gone through five principals now and through two renovations, this one will be the third one. Both of my children went here. My son, Damion graduated in 1997. He was in journalism. He wrote for the Ram Page. My daughter Megan, also went here. She graduated in 99. She was into a lot of sports, mostly softball. I’ve always enjoyed working at this school. My children weren’t zoned to go here, but I chose to bring them here. It is a good school. The teachers are great and everyone gets along.  I really enjoy all the people that work here and I like being here with the kids. I’ve always liked being here and have never thought about going anywhere else. I enjoy coming to work every day because I can’t wait to see what has happened overnight from these two (Ms. Blanchard and Mrs. Hughes). They’ve always got something exciting going on. I like hearing their stories!

**It was beach themed day on campus, hence the cute beach bag and the hat!**

Sharing our stories

Background: These students are newcomers to the US and to Mayde Creek. They have lived here for less than a year and are all doing an amazing job in school, learning English, sharing their dreams, and absorbing as much information as they can to better their lives. I was amazed by their courage, their inspiration, their laughter and love of life. These are their stories.
Orlove (from Angola): I came to United States of America because my family and I were looking for good conditions of life. In Angola, the conditions aren’t so good like here. Some schools have conditions like they are missing materials, and the hospitals have really bad conditions. Also, I came here because I want to graduate, go to the college and University, but I don’t want to do all these things in any country, I want to do that here because I know that here I have a really good quality of education, so that I can find a really good job anywhere.
Kevin (from Honduras): I came to United States for various reasons. One of is because my country is very dangerous and many violence, so my mom decide to send me to here. Another reason is for my studies, they was better here than in my country so has a future better for my life. Arriving here was not easy, but look, I am here, and not I think to give up until I get to my objective.
Jerry (from France): My name is Jerry. I came from France the most beautiful country in the world. But I landed in Texas in a city called Houston. At the beginning, I didn’t like it because my english was bad and my accent horrible for me; only for me. I just knew that girls love when I speak. Now that the language is not a problem this country is lovely. I’m very proud to study in here, in USA, and have the opportunity to follow my dreams.
Hoang (from Vietnam): Lived in the United States of America is the first thing I need to do for my dream to become true, and for my life was better because in my country; my family was pretty poor so we can’t do anything for the dream or make a life more fun with trips or to camping or anything else. The God had gave us a chance. My parent told to the family: “We’ll go to U.S.;” I can’t believe that moment came, but I’m living here now and my life is better than ever. I think my dream can become true.
Abdul (from Kurdistan-Iraq): My name is Abdul and I am from Kurdistan-Iraq. I am moved to the U.S.A. because the war pushed me to leave there and ISIS started killing people in my religion of Yazidi. And the U.S.A. is the most perfect country to live a safety life, freedom, good person, respectful, that things I couldn’t have in my homeland because I lived in the Muslim country, then just killing, hurting people, fighting with everybody. My life in the completely changed with everybody. The school, the teachers, the people, I am so glad with them. School is different than the school I goes to and I got my dreams. Finally, the new beats in my heart, no more because no more war, no more bad life. I am so far from ISIS because then are starting killing men and boys and selling womens in our country around Iraq. God blessed United States of America.
Nadia (from Morocco): America is a beautiful country everyone wishes to live in it, but to decide to come to it without your parent is a very hard step. I came to this country last June; I came because I want to change my life, and follow my dreams, to become some thing important in this life, to build my future, to become a helpful person, this is my dreams, and I will work hard until I get to them; I didn’t come to have fun and play; I came to study and show to my self how smart I am.